Thursday, December 8, 2011

Cactus Landscape - Guide to Landscaping with Cacti by Jiraiya Morgan

With the ever increasing water shortages in different areas of America why wouldn't you use a cactus landscape? There's even a term for cactus landscaping or landscaping that saves water; it's called xeriscaping. Some important aspects of using cacti landscaping are understanding the many advantages, how to hydrozone, and how to use the cacti correctly in order to have a beautiful garden.
The benefits of having a cactus landscape are overwhelming. Obviously, it saves a lot of water. Secondly, cacti require little care. During times of drought your cactus landscape will survive while others are dying. Having a cactus garden is like having a kid that takes care of himself. I'm not saying that your cactus landscape has to consist on of cactus, there's a great way to have other plants and still save water called hydrozoning.
As you may already know hydrozoning is when you put plants into groups that have similar watering requirements. This allows you to have a group of your favorite plants and still save a lot of water. In fact it would be best to put these plants in the shade like under a tree. Another good idea is to put these plants at the bottom of a slope so that rain water flows down to them. Now that we have identified good places for our other plants it's time to start landscaping our cacti.
As I said before cacti are very tough plants. Some survive temperatures of over 120 degrees in the shade. So, when planting your cacti you can put you cacti anywhere. It's good to put them on banks or the sides of hills where you don't want to mow the lawn. Your planning you landscape should have the tall plants in the back and fuller ones in the front. Make sure that your cactus landscape is full of different colors and flowers.
Cactus landscaping goes far being the scope of what I've covered in this report. This article was written to just cover the basics of cactus landscaping like it's advantages, how to hydrozone, and some cactus landscaping tips.

While cacti are beautiful plants my favorite plant would have to be the bonsai tree. The bonsai tree is a beautiful addition to any garden. Find out how one man discovered the secrets of creating amazing bonsai trees and how you can learn these step by step secrets too.

Gardening Tips - What Type of Soil is Best For My Garden? by Deena Leane Kevins

No matter what type of garden you are creating, the type of soil that you use will be instrumental in ensuring your plants and flowers grow to their full potential and get the nutrients they need to flourish.
You may just want to use the soil that is already in the ground, but do you know what type it is? Do you know which plants are best suited for that particular type of soil?
This does not have to be a difficult process, it just takes some time and strategic planning. If you want to use the soil that you already have, go to your local nursery and get a testing kit. This will tell you the type of soil you have. Next, purchase plants and flowers that are best suited for that type of soil. For example, Oak trees thrive in clay-type soil, but Rosemary likes sandy-type soil.
Luckily, there is a simple solution if you have soil that makes it difficult for your favorite plants to grow. Using a layer of top soil can ensure that almost any plant gets the nutrients it needs. Top soil is just as the name implies; soil that is spread on top of your garden and the existing soil. You may have to put more than one layer of top soil in your garden, depending on the condition of your garden.
Top soil is usually very dark and is rich in nutrients, giving your plants the best chance for survival and growth. There are different varieties of top soil: annual, perennial, trees and shrubs, vegetables, and a general variety that can be used for a mixture of plants both perennial and annual.
Top soil alone will not ensure you the best garden, however. You should consider using some sort of fertilizer or compost to enrich the soil's nutrients. You will also have to water your garden regularly, as well as weed it of unsightly plants. Adding a layer of mulch can help to control weeds and hold moisture so you won't have to water as often.
Using pesticides and herbicides can deplete your top soil of essential nutrients and harm your plants and vegetables, so keep this in mind when looking for techniques to get rid of pests. Compost and natural remedies may take a bit more time and effort, but you will not be harming the environment.
When creating your dream garden, choosing your soil is as important as choosing the types of plants and flowers you are going to grow. A bit of planning now will have huge payoffs later, as your neighbors comment on how great your garden looks!
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Friday, October 14, 2011

Garden Tools By Melvin Garmon

Designing your garden is most likely a personal statement of style. What one person likes may not be what another likes. For instance, some people like their gardens to be neat and tidy, while others love the adventure of winding paths and exotic plants. Formal, semi-formal, and informal are the three variations on the style for a garden. To properly design your garden, however, you will need to have the basic garden tools, and perhaps a few extras depending on the look you are going for. You can choose to design your garden to mimic the design of your home, or it does not have to be related to your home whatsoever. It is all about personal choice.

Some people are born with the innate ability to transform space into something that is very pleasing to the eyes; whereas others are not and may not have the first idea about how they should go about designing their outdoor space. To create a great outdoor space, you must manage the space well and remember that people will be moving around in the space. In other words, creating great patterns and utilizing the space within the pattern is vital. By utilizing geometrical patterns, your garden will achieve a unified feel about it. Which way would you like your patron to move about in your garden? You can achieve your ground pattern by using bricks or paving material. To achieve this you will need to have the appropriate garden tools on hand before you begin so that you do not have to stop in the middle of your project.
If you are seeking to create a formal garden, you want to be sure to incorporate symmetry and geometry, such as repeating patterns with different plants on each side. The environment is very controlled, overgrowth is clipped and shaped on a regular basis. You can add urns or balustrades to complete the formal look. In other words, formal means that there are no surprises. You always know just what to expect.
An informal design is just the opposite; in fact, the design should be asymmetrical and not regulated. Allow the plants to grow without clipping. Allow it to grow as it may and to self-feed. This design is much softer and thus there is a surprise effect to it creating a great ambiance.
And finally, a semi-formal garden style is a combination of the above garden styles. You will create fine lines with your paths that will be softened by the occasional overgrowth in spots of your alluring plants.
Along with these types, there are also several different garden styles that you can choose from, such as Chinese, contemporary, cottage, or secret garden.
Contemporary is a modernized style that uses your plants to help reflect the surroundings. The texture and form of your foliage is just as important as what flowers you choose. You will weave hard landscapes into geometric buildings, which will then flow into a more open space. You will then use your flowers and other plants to create focal points around your architecture.
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Friday, June 24, 2011

Organic in the Garden - Growing Carrots in Your Home Garden By Eric J Smith

Carrots are amongst the most popular vegetables to grow in the organic home vegetable garden. Carrots are perhaps so popular because of how easy they are to grow and the versatility they provide in the kitchen. Carrots can be used for Juicing, Boiling, Steaming, In Casseroles, Stews and Soups, Grated in Cakes, rissoles, on sandwiches, in salads or simply on their own as delicious carrot sticks.
Soil preparation is the most important factor when growing carrots. As deep-rooted vegetables they require soft loamy soil that does not have any rocks, lumps or foreign materials in as these may cause misshapen carrots or stunted growth.
Organically grown Carrots are beneficial to the soil as they can help to build a soil as they grow. Even with stunted growth the soil is being broken up as the roots of the carrot grow.
A rotary hoe is an ideal tool for preparing the soil for planting carrots. It will help break up the soil creating a quality medium suitable for the growth of carrots. If you do not have a rotary hoe you can still use traditional digging methods but dig in ample amounts of quality organic compost and manures.
After preparing the soil it should be raked over level and small rows scribed in the soil about 2cm (about an inch) deep. Each row should be at least 20cm apart - 30cm would be better to allow for weeding and harvesting. Sticks should be placed at each end of the rows to mark where each row is. Otherwise you will not know where the seeds are until they begin to shoot.
Carrot seed is about 1mm wide and approx 2 or 3 mm long. Sow seeds by pinching several seeds between the thumb and finger and sprinkling across each row. When each row has been sown gently push the soil over the hole before moving on to the next row. I will occasionally using a mixture of potting mix and coco peat (50:50 mix) to back fill the rows depending on the coarseness of the soil they are sown in.

After all rows have been planted water in well. If you have dogs, cats or problems with wild birds, you may want to consider a bird netting frame over the garden bed until the seeds have sprouted. Animals have a magical sense of discovering exactly where you do not want them to scratch.
If your soil is well prepared and contains ample organic matter you will not need to add any nutrient until the plants have fully emerged. After this a weekly watering with diluted liquid rabbit manure or liquid worm castings will provide most of the required nutrient.
The carrots should be thinned out and used as they grow. This will leave room for the rest to develop to their full size and will prevent strangling from being too close.
Regular watering is also essential during dry weather.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

The Secrets to Growing Big Healthy Pumpkins By Sandra Pullman

Growing your own pumpkins is really good fun. Watching the vines grow, flowers blossom and tiny little pumpkins form is really exciting. They require between 6 to 8 hours of sun light a day, rich soil improved with compost and lots of space or something to climb on. They are extremely easy to grow and can erupted out of your compost, without any help from you. The variety, well who knows, it depends on what you bought at the supermarket and what seeds went into the compost heap. They do have some querky traits and it can be very frustating when the vine is extremely healthy and you only get male flowers. It can also be extremely devasting if you think you are going to get a pumpkin to find it has dropped off. Why you ask yourself, what happened, what do I do wrong? My answer is - probably nothing. Pumpkins are notorious for not producing fruit.
Pumpkins belong to the genus Cucurbita and the family Cucurbitaceae which includes zucchini, water melon, rock melon, squash, cucumbers and gourds. The word pumpkin origninates from the word "pepon" which is Greek for "large melon" It is classified as a vine and need lots of room to grow. Pumpkins are monoecious which means having both male and female flowers on the same plant, so you only need one plant to produce fruit.
Preparing the soil
Pumpkins like a soil pH bwtween 6 to 7.2. If your soil is on the acidic side then I suggest you add some gardeners lime and if it is on the high side - alkaline - then you can lower it by applying sulphur. To prepare the soil for pumpkins, I suggest you incorporate lots of compost and cow or sheep manure. A good handful of blood and bone plus potash will be beneficial. Pumpkins are an annual crop and need a rich organic soil, so that they can grow quickly and produce fruit before the winter cold sets in. The soil also needs to drain well and if your soil is clay, then I suggest you make a mound using a good quality loam. This will raise their roots up above the clay and bad drainage.

Siting your Pumpkin
Pumpkins need a lot of room and can smoother other plants if left unchecked. Now if you have a small garden and don't wish to be invaded by the trifid plants then I suggest growing them up next to a fence or shed or putting in some lattice and training the tendrils up that. The good point about tying them up is that it gets the fruit off the ground away from pests such as slugs and snails and diseases such as mildew. If space isn't a problem, then just let them wander. You will find you have a floating sea of large pumpkin leaves enveloping your garden. If they get into any mischief, just prune them back, it won't hurt them!
Propagating Pumpkins
The best time to plant pumpkin seeds is in spring, when the soil and air temperature is warming up. If starting them off in the vegetable patch, the soil temperature needs to be at least 20C for germination and the air temperature 22C. You can start them off in pots in a hot house if you like, but the garden soil still needs to be over 20C when you plant them out. They don't like the cold or frost.
When you plant the seed directly into the garden, make a mound about 1/2 metre wide and plant 3-4 seeds about 4-5cm deep. Depending on the warmth of the soil they should sprout within about 7-10 days. When the baby seedlings have between 4-6 leaves, pinch out the weakest plants, leaving the strongest ones. If you don't pinch out the weak ones, the mound will be over crowded and none of the pumpkins will thrive. If you don't want to disregard them, replant them somewhere else in the veggie patch.
Favourable conditions
Pumpkins are grown in summer, need between 70-120 days before they are ready to harvest and that is usually in early to mid autumn. Pumpkins like don't like scorching temperatures and will shut down and stop growing. They are shallow rooted, wilt easily and that is why it is important to prepare the soil with lots ofcompost and animal manure to help increase the water holding capacity of the soil. If the soil retains its water, then it is available to the plant to replace the moisture it is losing through its leaves. Pumpkins do not like being water stressed and don't like the flood and famine watering regime. It can cause them to split. They like nice even watering and the best time is in the morning. If you water at night and the leaves become wet, powdery mildew can set in. Pumpkins don't like wind and need to be protected from it. Heat and strong winds can cause woodiness which makes the pumpkin very unpleasant to eat. It is also thought that too much wind can cause scarring on the flesh.
The vine takes about 10 weeks before it starts producing flowers and the males are first. They are on long thin stems (called pedicels) and there are heaps more of them than females. If you peak inside the male flower you will find a long thin strucutre called the stamen which produces the pollen. The female flowers have a shorter pedicel and sit closer to the vine. If you peak inside the female flower you will see the stigma which is where the pollen is received. The ovary is at the base of the petals and is where the seeds develop.
Fertilising the Ovary
The flowers only open for 1 day; just before dawn, the flower petals start to unfurl and open for a 4 hour period. By mid-day they are beginning to slowly close and by dusk they have shut permanently. Pumpkins are pollinated by insects, especially native and honey bees, so it is important to encourage them into your garden. It is common for the female flowers ovary to swell and start to look like a pumpkin is forming. But disaster, it turns brown and drops off. This occurs because it hasn't been fertilised due to lack of bees. There are several things you can do to encourage them:
  • Don't use systemic (poisons that are absorbed into the plant and can last for several weeks) sprays, as many of them kill the bees when they eat the nectare of the flowers
  • Plant French lavender Lavanduala denatate, it flowers nearly all year.
  • Plant lots of Iceland Poppies - honey bees adore them
  • Provide water for the bees, they will tell their friends and more bees will visit.
Now, if the weather has been beastly either too hot or too cold and you notice there are not many bees buzzying around, you can try fertilising them yourself. There are 2 methods, hand pollinating using the male flower or using a tooth brush. To hand pollinate, pick male flowers, remove petals then dab the pollen on the stigma of female flowers. I tried the tooth bush method once, where you gently bush the toothbush over the stamen, then gently bush it over the stigma but it didn't work. I suggest you try the first method.
To save seed from harvested pumpkins, store it for a month, then scope out the flesh, wash it away and dry the seeds on paper towel. Then store them in a clean dry glass jar in a cool dry spot away from sunlight. It is also a good idea to label the bottle with the variety of pumpkin and date. I guarantee if you don't you will have forgotten in a years time, what variety it is.
Pumpkins are notorius for cross pollinating with one another so to ensure true to type, save seed from one variety grown in isolation. You may need to hand pollinate it, to ensure there is no contamination of pollen.

Why isn't my Pumpkin producing Fruit?
I mentioned earlier that pumkpins are notorius for not producing fruit and there are many reasons why.
  • Pumpkins are weather and temperature sensitive. If it is too hot, too cold, too windy, too rainy then you may not get fruit. I suggest you try hand pollination especially if the temperatures are over 30C. Remember, if the weather is eradicatic and temperatures fluxuate widely; then many plants shut down, until conditions become more suitable.
  • It is thought that seed younger than 3 years old, produces more male flowers than female flowers.
  • Lack of insects in your garden. Bees, ants and other insects are vital in the transfer of pollen process. If they aren't present, then the pollen won't be transferred to the female flower - thus no pumpkins
  • Heavy rain can damage the pollen, which means that even if it is transferred by insects, it won't fertilise the flower and thus again no fruit.
  • One trick to try to encourage more female flowers, is to nip off the apical (also known as terminal) bud (top point of growth) and encourage lateral (side) growth.
  • Make sure when you prepare the bed that you incorporate some potash (encourages flowers)in and not put too much nitrogen in eg. blood and bone, which causes excess leaf growth.
Pests and Diseases
There are the normal pests such as slugs and snails that attack the leaves. You can try picking them off by hand, especially after rain or use a snail trap of beer in a glass jar 1/2 sunken into the ground. They crawl in, get drunk and drown. There is also the finely crushed egg shells circle, that you put around each plant which they hate crawling over. There is a new product for pots, which is a copper strip that you attach around the pot. There is also a spray to repel them with but I haven't tried it.
If you are having trouble with caterpillars, then I suggest using an organic spray called Dipel which the active ingredient is Bacillus thuringiensis. It won't harm you, your children, pets or other beneficial insects. Longlife pyrethrum is also good for sap sucking insects such as white fly and aphids, but also kills caterpillars.
In regards to lady birds there are the good one and the bad ones. The bad ones are known as the 28 spotted ones and they eat the leaves, so you need to watch out for them and pick them off by hand.
The disease pumpkins are most prone too are powdery mildew and it can spread really quickly in hot humid conditions. To try and control this disease you can use cows milk, sprayed on the leaves every two weeks with a solution of 1 part cows milk to 10 parts water. The good lady birds identified by yellow and black bands and they eat the mildew, so don't kill them. I also recommend watering in the morning, no overhead watering but watering at ground level to prevent the spores being splashed up onto the leaves.

Harvesting and storing
The best part of growing pumpkins, is harvesting them. You have watch them grow, nutured them, no pests or diseases have got them and then you think, I don't know when to harvest them. Well it takes between 3-4 months, they should be a nice colour, sound hallow when you knock on them and the skin should be hard and not show any indentations if you press you finger nails into them. It is really important that you cut them off with at least 5-10cm of the stalk attached. This prevents mound entering into the pumpkin and helps to length their storage life.
Picking the right storage space is essential if you want to have pumpkin out of season. It needs to be well ventilated, no direct sun light and cool. It also needs to dry and not damp. The pumpkin also needs to be healthy, no breaks in the flesh and there should be no sign of mould. If there is, then eat it straight away, it won't store.
Final tip to help them grow healthy and strong is to feed them fortnightly with a potash and liquid manure drink. Can be cow, sheep manure or worm liquid.
For pumpkins to grow successfully, they need to have rich organic soil, be in full sun, good weather and regular moisture. If you follow these simple guidelines and the weather is consistent neither too hot or too cold, you will have lovely healthy pumpkins which you will be able to store and eat and eat when it is out of season.

How to Grow Cucumbers By Hans Dekker

The versatile cucumber (cucumis sativus) is tasty pickled, in a salad, as a salad, in a sandwich, or just eaten raw. How to grow cucumbers depends largely in part on how you plan to eat them. Cucumbers come in over 120 varieties that range from small picklers to large slicers and from dark green to the yellow of the lemon cucumber. They come "burped" or burpless, seeded or without seeds.
Originating in India where they have been cultivated for over 3,000 years, the cucumber is a quick growing subtropical vine. In fact, many varieties of cucumber are ready to harvest after 50 days. However, some gardeners shy away from learning how to grow cucumbers because of their peculiar pollination habits. The traditional cucumber produces both a male (staminate) and a female (pistillate) blossom. Male blossoms appear first and soon drop from the vine without bearing fruit. However, the vines soon bloom again with both male and female flowers and continue blooming throughout the growing season. Cucumber vines bear fruit in abundance as long as you harvest them before they reach full maturity.
Relatives of squash, melons, and pumpkins, there are a variety of ways to learn how to grow cucumbers. Grow them in hills, in rows along a wire trellis, or train your cucumber vines to climb a wall or wooden trellis. In addition to growing directly in the garden, cucumbers make an attractive container plant. The cucumber is an appealing plant with lovely blossoms that permeate the air with the heady fragrance of -- what else? -- cucumbers!

When getting ready to learn how to grow cucumbers in your garden, it's best to prepare the soil about a month ahead of planting them. Cucumbers are not good at competing for space and nutrients. Remove weeds and spade in rich organic material. You'll have plenty of time to do this, since cucumbers are subtropical vines that prefer the sunny days and balmy nights of summertime. Seeds need about an 80F temperature to germinate, but then will do so in four to five days. Although seeds can be planted directly into the garden, cucumbers can also be started indoors for transplanting. If you use peat pots to start the seed, you can bury the whole pot in the garden lessening the risk that you'll damage the tender vines.
Once established, in addition to keeping the fruit cleaner, a layer of mulch in your cucumber patch minimizes weed growth and helps your soil retain moisture. Although cucumbers hate wet feet and won't grow in standing water, the more moisture they can absorb the juicier and sweeter they will be.
Harvest cucumbers at whatever size you like, as long as you don't wait for them to turn yellow (unless they are a yellow variety). Once they begin to turn yellow, they're past their prime. Flavor turns bitter and the fruit begins to dry out. Besides, frequently picking your cukes will promote more prolific blossoming resulting in larger harvests.

Top Tip on How to Gardening Tomatoes by Izrul Fizal

There are several important things to know when you are gardening tomatoes. First of all, you want to make sure that you have plenty of room for your tomatoes. Then, you want to be sure that each plant has enough room to grow straight up, and that you have provided them with frames or other things to grow on. Also, you want to keep the pests away from the tomatoes, and be sure to harvest them when they are perfectly ripe.

When you are gardening tomatoes, you are going to need to be sure that you have plenty of room. Tomatoes need to be planted about a foot away form each other, or a little bit less or more. Check the type of tomato to be sure that you are doing it right. Also, each tomato will be growing up but will be very willowy and fragile.

Therefore, you need to make sure that you provide your tomatoes with tomato cages or with other things that they can grow on. This will help you give your tomatoes a great start, and make gardening tomatoes even easier. If you can use a tomato cage to help guide your tomatoes, you'll find that it is much easier for you to be able to garden tomatoes.

There are many things that will try to get your tomatoes that you must plan for as you are gardening tomatoes. Be sure that you have protected them with cages which will help them grow but which will also protect them from animals that might try to eat them. Insects and small animals will still be a bother, so protect your plants with a safe and effective pesticide. This will help you keep the bugs off of your tomato plants. Also, use a rabbit fence or another garden fence to protect your gardening tomatoes as well as your other plants from animals.

The last thing that you must be sure of is that you are harvesting your gardening tomatoes at the right time. You want to pick the tomatoes when they are ripe, but you do not want to leave them very long. You want to be able to let them finish ripening after you have picked them, so that they will be good for longer for you.

If you enjoy gardening, you will love gardening tomatoes. They are easy fruits to grow, and a few plants can provide you with all of the tomatoes that you need for sauces, eating, cooking, and canning.
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